
Exercise physiology plays a pivotal role in musculoskeletal rehabilitation by offering evidence-based exercise interventions aimed at restoring function, promoting healing, and improving the overall well-being of individuals with musculoskeletal conditions. Our approach to exercise rehabilitation involves tailored programs designed to address specific impairments, restore muscular and skeletal function, and enhance overall health and quality of life. When working with individuals with musculoskeletal conditions, we emphasise principles such as mobility and stability. It is crucial to maintain mobility while stabilizing injured tissues to achieve successful rehabilitation outcomes. This involves avoiding muscular rigidity and co-contraction, which can limit mobility. Furthermore, we work closely with individuals to prescribe exercises that promote flexibility, strength, and functional movement to aid in the recovery process. Our rehabilitation also encompasses elements of therapeutic exercise, which involves movement prescribed to correct impairments, restore function, and maintain overall well-being. These exercises are tailored to address specific musculoskeletal issues, such as improving muscle strength, joint flexibility, and proprioception, which are essential for effective rehabilitation. As part of musculoskeletal rehabilitation, we often collaborate with other healthcare professionals, such as physiotherapists and sports medicine practitioners, to devise comprehensive rehabilitation programs tailored to individual needs. These programs may include a combination of therapeutic exercises, cardiovascular training, and other modalities to optimize recovery and functional outcomes. It’s important to note that our musculoskeletal rehabilitation goes beyond exercise prescription; it encompasses a holistic approach to promoting recovery and enhancing the overall health and well-being of individuals with musculoskeletal conditions.

Exercise physiology plays a significant role in the management of chronic diseases. Regular physical activity and exercise have been shown to have numerous benefits in reducing the risk and managing various chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and some types of cancer.

Engaging in exercise helps to improve cardiovascular fitness, reduce body weight, improve insulin sensitivity, and enhance overall physical function in individuals with chronic diseases. Physical activity has also been found to have positive effects on mental health, including reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety commonly associated with chronic diseases.

Exercise prescribed by exercise physiologists based on individual needs, capabilities, and goals can lead to better outcomes in chronic disease management. We specialise in assessing an individual’s fitness level, designing appropriate exercise programs, and monitoring progress, ensuring safe and effective exercise interventions for individuals with chronic diseases.

Consult with us to determine the most suitable exercise program based on your individual health conditions and limitations. We can safely prescribe the type, intensity, and duration of exercise that can help manage chronic diseases effectively.

Exercise physiology plays a crucial role in pain management, particularly in chronic pain conditions. Extensive research highlights the effectiveness of physical activity and exercise in alleviating chronic pain and improving overall well-being. Physical activity not only reduces pain perception but also has positive effects on mental health, including mood elevation and reduction of stress and depression commonly associated with chronic pain conditions.

Studies have shown that exercise can offer benefits for a range of chronic pain conditions, including chronic low back pain, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and migraines. The effects of physical activity are comparable to those of simple analgesics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in managing pain associated with conditions such as fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis.

Furthermore, exercise and movement are increasingly incorporated into pain management and palliative care, providing promising insights into the approach to musculoskeletal disorders. These findings underscore the significant role of exercise physiology in offering non-pharmacological and effective strategies for chronic pain management.

Consult with us to determine the most suitable exercise program based on your individual health conditions and limitations. We can safely prescribe the type, intensity, and duration of exercise that can help manage chronic diseases effectively.

Youth strength and conditioning programs are important for the overall development and well-being of young individuals. Our programs focus on enhancing strength, power, and conditioning while keeping in mind the specific needs and considerations of youth and the sport that they play.

Implementing structured strength training in youth has been shown to have several benefits. By improving an individual’s muscular strength and power and enhancing their motor skills, we can contribute to better sports performance, while also positively impacting cardiovascular health. Additionally, our strength training programs designed for teens can help develop physical literacy and promote a lifelong commitment to physical activity.

Youth strength and conditioning programs must be appropriately designed and supervised by certified professionals to ensure safety and maximize benefits. We have the expertise and knowledge to work with youths and create customized programs that take into consideration factors such as age, developmental stage, skill level, and injury prevention. Proper technique, progression, and supervision are key elements that we focus on when designing and implementing these programs.

Our youth strength and conditioning programs can contribute to the physical development, performance, and overall health of young individuals. By focusing on proper technique, supervision, and individual needs, these programs have the potential to lay a strong foundation for lifelong physical activity and well-being.


Medicare rebates for exercise physiology can be accessed under a Chronic Disease Management (CDM) Plan, formerly Enhanced Primary Care or EPC. The rebates are available for people with a chronic medical condition who have been referred by their GP for exercise physiology sessions – Referral Form 10953. Chronic medical conditions are those that have been, or are likely to be, present for at least 6 months. This includes:
  • Asthma
  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetes
  • Kidney disease
  • Musculoskeletal conditions
  • Stroke.
The CDM plan provides eligible individuals with a Medicare rebate for a maximum of 5 allied health services per patient each calendar year from eligible providers. Additional services are not possible in any circumstances. From November 1, 2023 the Medicare rebate for CDM plans is a $58.30 rebate for a maximum of 5 appointments per patient each calendar year. MIM Exercise Physiology bulk bills these sessions so you will not be out of pocket. Speak to your GP or call our team and discuss whether a GP Care Plan is suitable for you. We would love to help explain the Medicare rebate process so you can see how it can work for your Exercise Physiology needs.

Book an initial consultation below or contact Rowan on 0468 936 310 for further information.


National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Programs are developed for clients with disabilities through the NDIS and can be fully funded to aid with the financial costs associated with meeting your rehabilitation goals. The NDIS offers two relevant funding categories for Exercise Physiology services:
  • Capacity Building – Improved Daily Living
  • Capacity Building – Improved Health and Wellbeing.
MIM Exercise Physiology supports people with disability and we play a pivotal role in helping our clients enhance their activities of daily living and improve their ability to perform everyday tasks. Treating conditions:
  • ASD
  • Intellectual Disabilities
  • Strokes
  • Parkinsons
  • Mental Health
  • Spinal Injuries
  • Acquired Brain Injuries
  • Neurological Conditions
  • Musculoskeletal Conditions
We develop personalised exercise programs that focus on functional movements, strength, flexibility, and balance can help individuals develop the necessary skills and physical abilities to navigate daily life with greater ease and independence.
Book an initial consultation below or contact Rowan on 0468 936 310 for further information.

Veterans (DVA)

Entitled Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) clients may be referred for safe and effective Exercise Physiology treatment by their GP on a valid D904 referral form. MIM Exercise physiology can help you through the delivery of clinical exercise to manage your chronic disease&/or post-hospital exercise rehabilitation for treatment of a major injury or illness. Treating conditions:
  • Chronic Muscular Conditions
  • Chronic Pain
  • Anxiety, Depression, PTSD
  • Osteoporosis & Arthritis
  • Weight Management
  • Falls Prevention, Balance, Mobility
  • Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Respiratory Diseases
  • Cancer
  • Pre or Post Surgery
We can provide you with a treatment plan, including the type, number and frequency of services you require &/or teach you the skills to independently manage your health condition through an exercise regime. A referral to an exercise physiologist will last up to 12 sessions (treatment cycle) or one year, whichever ends first. The client can have as many treatment cycles as their GP determines are clinically necessary. The treatment cycle does not apply to exercise physiology treatment for clients who hold a Veteran Gold Card embossed with TPI (Totally and Permanently Incapacitated).
Book an initial consultation below or contact Rowan on 0468 936 310 for further information.

0468 936 310


Noosaville – Vision Performance Training

Kiels Mt (Private Studio)